The easy way:
Spin up a second pf or opnsense as VM.
Setup the interfaces exactly same as on your physical appliance, means the interface names and op1/op2/wan/lan etc need to match exactly your physical appliance.
The physical network adapter doesn't matter, if it's virt nic or i226-lm doesn't matter, as long as you have the same vlans and same assignments (op1 -> vlan20, opt2 -> vlan21, and so on) and same interface names.
Make virtual carp ips, and setup HA between your virtual and physical appliance.
Configure your virtual appliance as backup and physical as master.
It's very easy, and i can surely help if you never did HA.
Im doing here HA with opnsense, but pfsense is surely almost the same.
If on appliance is virtual and the other physical, doesn't matter either.
Second, the hard way:
You can do almost everything with an linux bridge, vlan and everything is not an issue.
You can setup linux bridges vlan aware or create vlan bridges bound to specific vlans with the vmbr0.20 way.
However, what's not possible or at least i don't know how to do, is routing.
The only solution i know is spinning up an VM again with something lightweight like VYOS, and use that as a routing instance between vlans.
But as you spin up vyos, you can spinup pf/opnsense either....
But then you get the problem of 2 gateways in your network.
Means, you will need to configure routes.
The easiest way is to configure on your physical pfsense appliance static routes, to tell that the vlan networks you want to reach are behind the VYOS ip.
And on the vyos instance as default gateway the physical pfsense instance.
However, that's very suboptimal, because of:
- you get asymmetrical packet flow:
-- every packet that comes from behind vyos, will go directly to your pc. While your pc sends the packets first to pfsense and the pfsense to vyos.
This can be easily solved, but you will need to add static routing entrys to every pc... Which is not "comfortable"
Well the proper way to do this, would be to create a separate vlan, just for the communication between vyos and pfsense.
Then the packet flow is perfect and you don't need any static routes...
But you said that you want to turn off the pfsense appliance...
So that way is out of decision.
Anyway it's all suboptimal in my opinion.
I would highly suggest the HA between virtual and physical pfsense appliance.