i want to test Proxmox in a cluster environment.
1 master (Dual Xeon Nehalem, 12 GB Ram, 200 GB with 3xraptor Sata hhd raid 5)
3 Nodes (Dual Xeon Nehalem, 12 Gb Ram, 2 TB with 3x 1TB Sata in Raid 5)
A SAN (Netapp) is also in Staff. But if ISCSI, i have to share with the network, means no dedicated iscsi network! ISCSI traffic would be shared with normal network traffic. CIFS and NFS are also possible.
i want to have 2-3 Windows Terminalserver on each Server and 1-2 Linux Servers.
What for a setup would you suggest?
I'd like to have the snapshot feature of LVM, if possible, an automated Backup strategy and i want to have the ability to migrate a VM fast from one Host to another.
How should i install such a cluster?
I already tried to install the master and a node, but on the node theres only "local storage" which is no LVM. How do i have to configure such a setup?
Thanx in advance.
by th eway: is there a german forum?
i want to test Proxmox in a cluster environment.
1 master (Dual Xeon Nehalem, 12 GB Ram, 200 GB with 3xraptor Sata hhd raid 5)
3 Nodes (Dual Xeon Nehalem, 12 Gb Ram, 2 TB with 3x 1TB Sata in Raid 5)
A SAN (Netapp) is also in Staff. But if ISCSI, i have to share with the network, means no dedicated iscsi network! ISCSI traffic would be shared with normal network traffic. CIFS and NFS are also possible.
i want to have 2-3 Windows Terminalserver on each Server and 1-2 Linux Servers.
What for a setup would you suggest?
I'd like to have the snapshot feature of LVM, if possible, an automated Backup strategy and i want to have the ability to migrate a VM fast from one Host to another.
How should i install such a cluster?
I already tried to install the master and a node, but on the node theres only "local storage" which is no LVM. How do i have to configure such a setup?
Thanx in advance.
by th eway: is there a german forum?