[SOLVED] Nach Stromabschaltung geht LXC Container nicht mehr


Nov 18, 2019
Vielleicht kann mir jemand bei dem Problem helfen. Heute gabs einen Stromausfall und als ich heimkam, ging der LXC Container mit meiner Influxdb Und Grafana nicht mehr...shit

Das hier ist die Ausgabe:
pve-container@102.service - PVE LXC Container: 102
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/pve-container@.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2019-11-18 22:24:02 CET; 1min 39s ago
     Docs: man:lxc-start
  Process: 29164 ExecStart=/usr/bin/lxc-start -n 102 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Nov 18 22:24:00 nuc systemd[1]: Starting PVE LXC Container: 102...
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc lxc-start[29164]: lxc-start: 102: lxccontainer.c: wait_on_daemonized_start: 856 No such file or directory - Failed to receive the container state
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc lxc-start[29164]: lxc-start: 102: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 330 The container failed to start
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc lxc-start[29164]: lxc-start: 102: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 333 To get more details, run the container in foreground mode
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc lxc-start[29164]: lxc-start: 102: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 336 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc systemd[1]: pve-container@102.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=1
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc systemd[1]: Failed to start PVE LXC Container: 102.
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc systemd[1]: pve-container@102.service: Unit entered failed state.
Nov 18 22:24:02 nuc systemd[1]: pve-container@102.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

Und wenn ich lxc-start -n 101 -F eingebe, kommt folgendes:
lxc-start: 102: conf.c: run_buffer: 335 Script exited with status 25
lxc-start: 102: start.c: lxc_init: 861 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "102"
lxc-start: 102: start.c: __lxc_start: 1944 Failed to initialize container "102"
lxc-start: 102: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 330 The container failed to start
lxc-start: 102: tools/lxc_start.c: main: 336 Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options

Mir sagt das leider alles nix, vielleicht könnte mir da jemand bitte helfen?

Lg chris
hier noch meine Config

cat /var/lib/lxc/102/config
lxc.arch = amd64
lxc.include = /usr/share/lxc/config/debian.common.conf
lxc.include = /usr/share/lxc/config/debian.userns.conf
lxc.seccomp.profile = /usr/share/lxc/config/pve-userns.seccomp
lxc.apparmor.profile = generated
lxc.apparmor.raw = deny mount -> /proc/,
lxc.apparmor.raw = deny mount -> /sys/,
lxc.monitor.unshare = 1
lxc.idmap = u 0 100000 65536
lxc.idmap = g 0 100000 65536
lxc.tty.max = 2
lxc.environment = TERM=linux
lxc.uts.name = Influxdb-Grafana
lxc.cgroup.memory.limit_in_bytes = 2147483648
lxc.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes = 4294967296
lxc.cgroup.cpu.shares = 1024
lxc.rootfs.path = /var/lib/lxc/102/rootfs
lxc.net.0.type = veth
lxc.net.0.veth.pair = veth102i0
lxc.net.0.hwaddr = 2A:13:AC:10:4B:F6
lxc.net.0.name = eth0
lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus = 3
Ist das nur bei dem Container oder auch bei anderen Containern?

Check mal alle Filesysteme auch die vom Host selbst - ich bin mir nicht so sicher wo da das Problem liegt.

Hast du Backups?
Ist das nur bei dem Container oder auch bei anderen Containern?

Check mal alle Filesysteme auch die vom Host selbst - ich bin mir nicht so sicher wo da das Problem liegt.

Hast du Backups?

Ich hab eine VM noch laufen da rennt ioBroker drauf (mein SmartHome) und das funktioniert einfach.

ich bin ja nicht so fix im linux. wie kann ich das Filesystem checken?
Beim Aufruf des Befehles
lxc-start -n 101 -F
den Du ja selbst initiiert hast kam die Meldung welche ich oben gepostet habe.
Daraus würde ich schlussfolgern (nein ich weiß es auch nicht genau)

lxc-start -n 101 -F --logfile test.log

Alternativ bietet sich auch immer ein lxc-start --help an. Allerdings muss ich gestehen kenne ich den lxc-start Befehl nicht.
Kenne nur
pct start LXC_ID
Beim Aufruf des Befehles
lxc-start -n 101 -F
den Du ja selbst initiiert hast kam die Meldung welche ich oben gepostet habe.
Daraus würde ich schlussfolgern (nein ich weiß es auch nicht genau)

lxc-start -n 101 -F --logfile test.log

Alternativ bietet sich auch immer ein lxc-start --help an. Allerdings muss ich gestehen kenne ich den lxc-start Befehl nicht.
Kenne nur
pct start LXC_ID

trotzdem danke...jeder Strohhalm ist eine Hilfe.
ich werde das ausprobieren, sobald ich heute daheim bin.
so ich habe den befehl nun ausgeführt:
lxc-start -n 102 -F --logfile test.log
Mit folgendem Erfolg:
lxc-start 102 20191119164019.282 ERROR    conf - conf.c:run_buffer:335 - Script exited with status 25
lxc-start 102 20191119164019.282 ERROR    start - start.c:lxc_init:861 - Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "102"
lxc-start 102 20191119164019.282 ERROR    start - start.c:__lxc_start:1944 - Failed to initialize container "102"
lxc-start 102 20191119164019.282 ERROR    lxc_start - tools/lxc_start.c:main:330 - The container failed to start
lxc-start 102 20191119164019.282 ERROR    lxc_start - tools/lxc_start.c:main:336 - Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options

was soll ich nun tun?? HILFE!!!!!
Also ich habe hier noch keinen Debug.log gesehen von deinem LXC?!
Weil du ja den Befehl falsch benutzt.

was soll ich nun tun?? HILFE!!!!!

lxc-start -n ID -F -l DEBUG -o /tmp/lxc-ID.log ausfuehren (wobei ID ist die ID von CT, i.e. 102 in dem fall).

so wird /tmp/lxc-ID.log erzeugt. bitte diese anhaengen.
Also ich habe hier noch keinen Debug.log gesehen von deinem LXC?!
Weil du ja den Befehl falsch benutzt.
lxc-start -n 102 -F -l DEBUG -o /tmp/lxc-102.log folgt:
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.487 INFO     confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:1673 - Read uid map: type u nsid 0 hostid 100000 range 65536
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.487 INFO     confile - confile.c:set_config_idmaps:1673 - Read uid map: type g nsid 0 hostid 100000 range 65536
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     lsm - lsm/lsm.c:lsm_init:50 - LSM security driver AppArmor
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "reject_force_umount  # comment this to allow umount -f;  not recommended"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:do_resolve_add_rule:505 - Set seccomp rule to reject force umounts
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:937 - Added native rule for arch 0 for reject_force_umount action 0(kill)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:do_resolve_add_rule:505 - Set seccomp rule to reject force umounts
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for reject_force_umount action 0(kill)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:do_resolve_add_rule:505 - Set seccomp rule to reject force umounts
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for reject_force_umount action 0(kill)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:do_resolve_add_rule:505 - Set seccomp rule to reject force umounts
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for reject_force_umount action 0(kill)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "[all]"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "kexec_load errno 1"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:937 - Added native rule for arch 0 for kexec_load action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for kexec_load action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for kexec_load action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for kexec_load action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for open_by_handle_at action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for open_by_handle_at action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for open_by_handle_at action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "init_module errno 1"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:937 - Added native rule for arch 0 for init_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for init_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for init_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for init_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "finit_module errno 1"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:937 - Added native rule for arch 0 for finit_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for finit_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for finit_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for finit_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "delete_module errno 1"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:937 - Added native rule for arch 0 for delete_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for delete_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for delete_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for delete_module action 327681(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:759 - Processing "keyctl errno 38"
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:937 - Added native rule for arch 0 for keyctl action 327718(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:946 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741827 for keyctl action 327718(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:956 - Added compat rule for arch 1073741886 for keyctl action 327718(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:966 - Added native rule for arch -1073741762 for keyctl action 327718(errno)
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     seccomp - seccomp.c:parse_config_v2:970 - Merging compat seccomp contexts into main context
lxc-start 102 20191119171638.488 INFO     conf - conf.c:run_script_argv:356 - Executing script "/usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook" for container "102", config section "lxc"
lxc-start 102 20191119171639.645 DEBUG    conf - conf.c:run_buffer:326 - Script exec /usr/share/lxc/hooks/lxc-pve-prestart-hook 102 lxc pre-start with output: unsupported debian version '10.2'
lxc-start 102 20191119171639.662 ERROR    conf - conf.c:run_buffer:335 - Script exited with status 25
lxc-start 102 20191119171639.662 ERROR    start - start.c:lxc_init:861 - Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "102"
lxc-start 102 20191119171639.662 ERROR    start - start.c:__lxc_start:1944 - Failed to initialize container "102"
lxc-start 102 20191119171639.662 ERROR    lxc_start - tools/lxc_start.c:main:330 - The container failed to start
lxc-start 102 20191119171639.662 ERROR    lxc_start - tools/lxc_start.c:main:336 - Additional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options
unsupported debian version '10.2'
wie kommt das auf einmal? kann man dagegen was tun?

du hast eine alte version von PVE (dieser wurde schon gefixt).

auf dem PVE host: apt update && apt full-upgrade sollte das problem beheben.
du hast eine alte version von PVE (dieser wurde schon gefixt).

auf dem PVE host: apt update && apt full-upgrade sollte das problem beheben.
hab diese version Linux nuc 4.15.18-12-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.15.18-35 (Wed, 13 Mar 2019 08:24:42 +0100) x86_64

von einem zum nächsten problem :-( den Befehl läßt das System ned zu:
Ign:1 http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian stretch InRelease Hit:2 http://security.debian.org stretch/updates InRelease Hit:3 http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian stretch-updates InRelease Hit:4 http://ftp.at.debian.org/debian stretch Release Ign:5 https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve stretch InRelease Err:6 https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve stretch Release 401 Unauthorized Reading package lists... Done E: The repository 'https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve stretch Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.