Hello all
Unfortunately I get the following message:
When I run this command on the 2nd host the message does not appear. Does anyone have any idea?
Thanks and best regards
Unfortunately I get the following message:
root@Pve02:~# pvesh get /cluster/resources --type vm --output-format json |jq '.[]|select(.pool == env.'Cluster')| .vmid, .node' | tr -d \" | awk 'NR%2{printf "%s ",$0;next;}1' | column -t | sort -k1 -n
"my" variable $node masks earlier declaration in same scope at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/API2/Disks/ZFS.pm line 345.
100 Pve01
101 Pve01
102 Pve01
103 Pve01
104 Pve01
105 Pve01
106 Pve01
107 Pve01
108 Pve01
109 Pve02
200 Pve01
201 Pve02
300 Pve01
When I run this command on the 2nd host the message does not appear. Does anyone have any idea?
Thanks and best regards