My ct 100 is gone??


New Member
Jun 8, 2022
Hi, I lost my CT100 container.
I only know that my Nuc was running very loud. And I was not able to login in my CT100 (home assistant container)
This problem was not new foor my.Earlier I cleaned up the harddisk, to much backups, and the problem was gone. With help from this forum.

This time again not able to login/start my application (home assistant). So I tried to restore the backup..
This did not help at all. Now my ct100 is complet gone.
So what to do?
Regards Erwin
So I tried to restore the backup..
This did not help at all. Now my ct100 is complet gone.
So what to do?
do you still have the backup archive? if yes, then you could try restoring it and post the log here from the restore if it doesn't work
You can also login using SSH or use the physical console to have a look at the logs to see where the problems are.
I can login via SSH.
Strange is that my CTvolume 100 now in transformt to a VM disk.
this is seen unthe menu Local-lvm (PVE).

uhh where can I find the backup in which map are these stored
Strange is that my CTvolume 100 now in transformt to a VM disk.
this is seen unthe menu Local-lvm (PVE).
CT volumes and VM volumes are named the same (e.g. vm-100-disk-0), don't worry

uhh where can I find the backup in which map are these stored
check the Storages you have from the left menu, click "Backups" and look for the backup archive (something like vzdump-lxc-100-...) that's your backup file. then you can click on "Restore" and choose a new VMID for it
sorry, I do not see a item "Backups" in the left menu Storages.
In storages I only see 4 menu's - Summary - VM Disk -CT Volumes and _permissions.
Nothing else to see
I only find a backup in a other LXC container (Pi-Hole)
The Pi-hole is still running and the backup is named "vzdump-lxc-801-2022_07_26.tar.gz
Then you selected the wrong storage. "Backups" will only be shown for the storage if the storage got "Vzdump Backups" as its content type.
So select the storage your stored your backups on and there should be a "Backups" tab. With a plain default PVE only "local" can store backups and not "local-lvm" or "local-zfs".
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Yep. I didfind them "local PVE" and restored the backup.
I see that the harddisk is full.... so I have to cleanup the disk.
The only isue is that the LXC now is named CT101 instead CT100.
No problem for me
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