multiple PVE & backup server set up


May 3, 2023
After playing around with PVE for sometime, I am going to take the plunge and migrate my VMs from VirtualBox. My current set up would be 2 locations each with a PVE server and a Backup server. The broadband connection to one for the sites is only 70Mbps so backing up entire VMs remotely would not really be feasible. My plan would be to back up the VMs to the local backup server and selected files from the VMs to the remote server using the Backup Client. My question is, do I set them all up under the same Datacentre or do I have separate Datacentres for each site?
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clustering nodes over a WAN connection is not recommended, since the clustering protocol that we use does not cope well with latency spikes.
Especially when pushing backups, you would probably lose quorum and therefore might compromise the stability of the cluster.
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Having the backup system in the same data center is not optimal for various reasons. How many TBs of space are we talking about? Because using Proxmox VE with Proxmox Backup Server, only sending the first copy requires sending the entire VM, the next one can take up very little.I recommend you try with some test VMs.
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clustering nodes over a WAN connection is not recommended, since the clustering protocol that we use does not cope well with latency spikes.
Especially when pushing backups, you would probably lose quorum and therefore might compromise the stability of the cluster.
Thank you
Having the backup system in the same data center is not optimal for various reasons. How many TBs of space are we talking about? Because using Proxmox VE with Proxmox Backup Server, only sending the first copy requires sending the entire VM, the next one can take up very little.I recommend you try with some test VMs.
Good point, I could possibly get away with one back up server for both sites (if I located it say at my house). Would you set up the Backup server as part of the PVE storage over the WAN or use the client for the VMs as well as files?
In my case it is configured as storage on Proxmox VE and I perform backups of the VMs using its "Datacenter > Backup".
Then I do full backups. It works great
Wan, not being a PVE, but a PBS, is seen as an additional storage that is important and that it is reachable, perhaps in VPN.
Wan, not being a PVE, but a PBS, is seen as an additional storage that is important and that it is reachable, perhaps in VPN.
So what would the best way to set this up?
On the local Datacentre, the PBS can be integrated with the PVE server as part of the same node. For the remote PVE server the PBS can be just added as additional storage? That would avoid clustering nodes over the WAN ?
Do the PBS simply back up to each other over the WAN?