Multiple containers vs One container with multiple services


Active Member
Jun 21, 2020
52.24154182722349, 5.117853866801705
I was wondering what is better from the perspective of resources and memory usage: having a single container or VM to run multiple services on, or running separate containers.
For example: I want to run a gitlab server, a plex server and a web server. I can configure them separately in their own container. Or I can make one virtual machine in which I install everything.
What are the pros and cons of both approaches?
Only the memory usage of the Turnkey Gitlab container is staying quite high, even when I am not using git at all.

Yeah, but that is GitLab problem, not a PVE problem. GitLab uses Ruby on Rails and has a ton of additional daemons around it, so a minimum of e.g. 2-4 GB is normal.