Multipath LVM storage and VM Backup to NFS share


New Member
Apr 8, 2022

Are there any known issues starting snapshot VM backup what is running from a storage device on LVM to an attached NFS backup store?

Interested in how the snapshot function works if the system is running on a dedicated external storage device.
It doesnt matter that you are using LVM or Multipath, the backup mechanism does not change:

Snapshot mode
This mode provides the lowest operation downtime, at the cost of a small inconsistency risk. It works by performing a Proxmox VE live backup, in which data blocks are copied while the VM is running. If the guest agent is enabled (agent: 1) and running, it calls guest-fsfreeze-freeze and guest-fsfreeze-thaw to improve consistency.

A technical overview of the Proxmox VE live backup for QemuServer can be found online here.

Note Proxmox VE live backup provides snapshot-like semantics on any storage type. It does not require that the underlying storage supports snapshots. Also please note that since the backups are done via a background Qemu process, a stopped VM will appear as running for a short amount of time while the VM disks are being read by Qemu. However the VM itself is not booted, only its disk(s) are read.

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