[SOLVED] move drive leaves old drive behind


Famous Member
May 24, 2012
this has happened 8 out of 20 times

when I move kvm hard disk from zfs to ceph

a copy of the drive gets to ceph .

the original drive is still at zfs .

example from a move log:
create full clone of drive scsi0 (data:vm-116-disk-0)
transferred: 0 bytes remaining: 8589934592 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 0.00 %
transferred: 85899345 bytes remaining: 8504035247 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 1.00 %
transferred: 171798691 bytes remaining: 8418135901 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 2.00 %
transferred: 8426725834 bytes remaining: 163208758 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 98.10 %
transferred: 8512625180 bytes remaining: 77309412 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 99.10 %
transferred: 8589934592 bytes remaining: 0 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 100.00 %
transferred: 8589934592 bytes remaining: 0 bytes total: 8589934592 bytes progression: 100.00 %
zfs error: cannot destroy 'data/vm-116-disk-0': dataset is busy

then the zfs can not be destroyed:
# zfs destroy data/vm-116-disk-0
cannot destroy 'data/vm-116-disk-0': dataset is busy

and the vm can not be migrated to another system. that fails at end of process because the zfs destroy pary fails.

boot: c
bootdisk: scsi0
cores: 4
memory: 6816
name: mail
net0: virtio=42:20:57:2C:83:01,bridge=vmbr0,tag=3
numa: 0
onboot: 1
ostype: l26
protection: 1
scsi0: ceph_vm:vm-116-disk-0,discard=on,size=8G
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=31ec85be-1d63-46b5-ab84-a29cda1df0aa
sockets: 1

on one node i resorted to restarting the node. still can not destroy the zfs.

it seems like a configuration file somewhere makes it so the zfs is still part of the vm.

not being able to migrate a vm kills high availability

any clues to solve this?
i manually migrated lxc 116 to another node

then tried to remove the zfs:
# zfs destroy data/vm-116-disk-0
cannot destroy 'data/vm-116-disk-0': dataset is busy

##   pct is not here:
pve3  ~ #
pve3  ~ # pct list|grep 116
pve3  ~ # pct list|grep 116 ; date
Sat Dec  1 10:50:30 EST 2018

## also forces does not work:
# zfs destroy   -f data/vm-116-disk-0
cannot destroy 'data/vm-116-disk-0': dataset is busy
so the vm is running on another node , and still can not destroy the zfs
Last edited:
so still today the vm's a zfs drive not listed in .conf - would not migrate. so i backup up and restored to another node.

still the zfs could not be removed.

so for this time i removed the zpool drives from the node