Mounting problems on Serverboot


Jan 2, 2020

i am new to proxmox and got 2 problems.

i made a backup dataset on my zfs tank, where i wanted to store my lxc/vm backups.
created the dataset "backup" in my tank.
added it in datacenter -> storage -> add -> directory ->ID: Backup ; directory: /tank/backup ; contains : VZDump backup file
this works fine until i reboot the server. the server writes in the directory /tank/backup before the zfs is even mounted, which causes the mountprocess to crash (directory /tank not empty).
how can i fix this so i can still make my backups on /tank/backups, but dont have to activate/deactivate the directory on reboot?

another problem with my zfs is that it mounts to slow for my lxc container to start properly.
most of my lxc use my /tank as a mp. when i start the server, the zfs is not yet mounted, when the lxc try to start, causing in an error and stopping the container boot.
right now i "fixed" it by starting another unneeded lxc and activated a bootdelay of 30 secs.
is there a way to tell my lxc/vm to wait till the "tank" is mounted and start to boot then?
can i tell my windows vm only to boot, if another lxc is properly booted?

i am using Proxmox 6.1-5

here is the cfg

dir: local
        path /var/lib/vz
        content iso,vztmpl,backup

lvmthin: local-lvm
        thinpool data
        vgname pve
        content rootdir,images

zfspool: tank
        pool tank
        content images,rootdir
        mountpoint /tank
        nodes StumpysProxi

zfspool: scratch
        pool scratch
        content images,rootdir
        mountpoint /scratch
        nodes StumpysProxi

lvmthin: data2
        thinpool data2
        vgname data2
        content rootdir,images
        nodes StumpysProxi

lvmthin: data1
        thinpool data1
        vgname data1
        content rootdir,images
        nodes StumpysProxi

dir: backup
        path /tank/backup
        content backup
        maxfiles 8
        shared 0

ty for your links, i was able to get my backups working.

i changed my storage.conf to the following and the backup works now.
dir: backup
        path /tank/backup
        content backup
        is_mountpoint yes
        mkdir 0
        maxfiles 8
        shared 0

sadly the problem with the to early starting vm/lxc is still there

i tried both variants.
for the grub i tried rootdelay=10;20;30 and 120, none of these worked.
then i changed it back to "quiet" and tried the ZFS_initrd... with "4" and "60".
both variants didnt work.
thats why i am still using an lxc as an "timer" to delay the other lxc and vm until the drives are online.

a) edit /etc/default/grub and add "rootdelay=10" at GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT (i.e. GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="rootdelay=10 quiet") and then issue a # update-grub

b) edit /etc/default/zfs, set ZFS_INITRD_PRE_MOUNTROOT_SLEEP='4', and then issue a "update-initramfs -k 4.2.6-1-pve -u"