Hello all
I'm quite new on PVE but have so far played around with 2 thin clients on driffrent vlans running a few VMs each, mostly linux dist, HASS, and a few LXC. So I have some grasp on how to find my way around.
But google and the forum have failed me on this, for me, pretty important question. I would like to move my main server onto PVE, today it's running a ubuntu dist. I have encrypted all drives.
My testing shows me that I can SSH into a VM and unlock the boot partition with dropbear so far so good, works the same way as today with the server.
The server have a few drives with data, each of this drive are encrypted with LUKS.
My goal would be to only let the VM running ubuntu mount and decrypt the data drives, but I don't find any good way of pass the drives to the VM unless PVE first mounts them. The reason that I would like only the VM to mount and decrypt the drives is because I belive it to be a extra layer of security. If my PVE would be hacked / breached the data is still encrypted unless even the VM is hacked. Also it prevents other VMs to access data on the drives.
I did try to add one of my spare external drives (encrypted with luks) to a thin client, the drive show up as /dev/sda1 in PVE but how can I give the VM knowledge of the drive unless i unlock it and mount it in PVE? (I probably could just passthrough the USB to my VM as this drive is an external, but it does not help my main problem when the most of the drives on the server are internal SATA drives..)
Any helpful links anyone have and would be kind enough to share to me
I'm quite new on PVE but have so far played around with 2 thin clients on driffrent vlans running a few VMs each, mostly linux dist, HASS, and a few LXC. So I have some grasp on how to find my way around.
But google and the forum have failed me on this, for me, pretty important question. I would like to move my main server onto PVE, today it's running a ubuntu dist. I have encrypted all drives.
My testing shows me that I can SSH into a VM and unlock the boot partition with dropbear so far so good, works the same way as today with the server.
The server have a few drives with data, each of this drive are encrypted with LUKS.
My goal would be to only let the VM running ubuntu mount and decrypt the data drives, but I don't find any good way of pass the drives to the VM unless PVE first mounts them. The reason that I would like only the VM to mount and decrypt the drives is because I belive it to be a extra layer of security. If my PVE would be hacked / breached the data is still encrypted unless even the VM is hacked. Also it prevents other VMs to access data on the drives.
I did try to add one of my spare external drives (encrypted with luks) to a thin client, the drive show up as /dev/sda1 in PVE but how can I give the VM knowledge of the drive unless i unlock it and mount it in PVE? (I probably could just passthrough the USB to my VM as this drive is an external, but it does not help my main problem when the most of the drives on the server are internal SATA drives..)
Any helpful links anyone have and would be kind enough to share to me