Monitoring Host and VMs with Icinga


Oct 28, 2021
Hello everyone,

I would like to monitor Hosts and VMs with icinga.
I have installed the Module "icingaweb2-module-pve" and the Script "check_pve" on the icinga-Server.
I can get the Host Data (CPU, Memory ...) But I can't get the checks for the VMs.
Has anyone already used these scripts or others to monitor Proxmox.
Suggestions are welcome :)
I think I can help you out. But what exactly do you want to have checks on?

I've been working on connecting my proxmox with my icinga director instance as well. The check_pve command can't show you much from the VM's as far as I see (only the two vm options currently, see below). I think it could be possible to add something to that script as long as the API can handle more VM commands.
But an easier solution is probably getting some information via the command "check_by_ssh". Connecting icinga via ssh to the proxmox host should give you plenty of options (of course that would mean having two ways of exchanging with the proxmox host, which is not perfect).

currently the vm options as far as I see inside the check_pve command:
sample output: OK - VM 'Nextcloud' is running on node 'pve'|cpu=0.25%;;;0; memory=51.98%;;;0;

sample output: OK - VM 'Nextcloud' is running on node 'pve'