Monitoring backups


Renowned Member
Mar 14, 2012

How do you guys monitor backup system (with Nagios compatible plugins)?

Now that we are switching to PBS, I monitor for failed backups by looking at the failed backup tasks with pvesh get /nodes/XXX/tasks --typefilter vzdump --errors or by parsing system logs for erros on PVE hosts.

Is there a better way? Do you have any plugins you want to share? :-)
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May be quick and dirty looking on the PBS for failed backups like:

grep ":backup:" /var/log/proxmox-backup/tasks |grep -v " OK"
Tnx for suggeston, but it is basically just another way to get pvesh get /nodes/XXX/tasks --typefilter vzdump --errors and we already do that. :-)
datestatus=`pvesh get /nodes/$HOSTNAME/tasks/ --typefilter vzdump --output-format json| jq -r '.[] | "\(.endtime) \(.status)"'|head -n1`

TS=$(echo "$datestatus" | ( read TS STATUS; echo $TS ) );
STATUS=$(echo "$datestatus" | ( read TS STATUS; echo $STATUS ) );

LIMIT=$( date +%s -d '28 hours ago' );
if [ $TS -lt $LIMIT ]; then
    echo "WARNING - backup is too old"
    exit 1
elif [ $STATUS != "OK" ]; then
    echo "CRITICAL - status failed"
    exit 2
  echo "OK"
  exit 0
This is a nice script, but this will notify only after 28 hours of no successful backups and for some VMs we don't even use more than a few hours old backups. It will also fail to notify you about backups manually started via GUI, becayse there typefilter would be pvedaemon in that case.
Now that we are switching to PBS, I monitor for failed backups by looking at the failed backup tasks with pvesh get /nodes/XXX/tasks --typefilter vzdump --errors or by parsing system logs for erros on PVE hosts.

Maybe I'm missing something, but you could use mail notifications on error and map/inject that somehow™ into your monitoring system.

Related to that, you could go a similar way a user did when getting some rudimentary "gotify" support, using the mail .forward file:

I know it's a bit hacky, but just mentioning it as possible workarounds - a advantage of using that is, that it's more event based and does not need constant polling.
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