Hello everyone,
I have just installed proxmox for first time and first thing i have tried to do is monitor disk io.
I tried by parsing the output of iostat and ingesting the data in influx ... so this is what i get
i can't find out why i have constant io traffic of around 45MB , I have only 1 container running and no io consuming services on it.Also i tried to create 1.2GB file and it has been reported as you can see on the graph. Thank you
I have just installed proxmox for first time and first thing i have tried to do is monitor disk io.
I tried by parsing the output of iostat and ingesting the data in influx ... so this is what i get
i can't find out why i have constant io traffic of around 45MB , I have only 1 container running and no io consuming services on it.Also i tried to create 1.2GB file and it has been reported as you can see on the graph. Thank you