Hello, it's time to migrate
but i've that warn from pve5to6:
PASS: systemd unit 'pve-cluster.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'corosync.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: Cluster Filesystem is quorate.
Analzying quorum settings and state..
INFO: configured votes - nodes: 1
INFO: configured votes - qdevice: 0
INFO: current expected votes: 1
INFO: current total votes: 1
WARN: cluster consists of less than three nodes!
I dont use cluster, i only have a server but i played around whit the gui when i installed the server three years ago and cluster "came up"
it's posible to remove the cluster configuration without losing data? if not, is there a problem updating the system?
thanks in advance

PASS: systemd unit 'pve-cluster.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'corosync.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: Cluster Filesystem is quorate.
Analzying quorum settings and state..
INFO: configured votes - nodes: 1
INFO: configured votes - qdevice: 0
INFO: current expected votes: 1
INFO: current total votes: 1
WARN: cluster consists of less than three nodes!
I dont use cluster, i only have a server but i played around whit the gui when i installed the server three years ago and cluster "came up"
it's posible to remove the cluster configuration without losing data? if not, is there a problem updating the system?
thanks in advance