qm migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]
Migrate virtual machine. Creates a new migration task.
<vmid>: <integer> (100 - 999999999)
The (unique) ID of the VM.
<target>: <string>
Target node.
--bwlimit <integer> (0 - N) (default = migrate limit from datacenter or storage config)
Override I/O bandwidth limit (in KiB/s).
--force <boolean>
Allow to migrate VMs which use local devices. Only root may use this option.
--migration_network <string>
CIDR of the (sub) network that is used for migration.
--migration_type <insecure | secure>
Migration traffic is encrypted using an SSH tunnel by default. On secure, completely private networks this can be disabled to increase performance.
--online <boolean>
Use online/live migration if VM is running. Ignored if VM is stopped.
--targetstorage <string>
Mapping from source to target storages. Providing only a single storage ID maps all source storages to that storage. Providing the special value 1 will map each source storage to itself.
--with-local-disks <boolean>
Enable live storage migration for local disk
qm migrate <vmid> <target> [OPTIONS]
--targetstorage <string>
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
"man pct"Thank you very much! That helped me a lot. How can I do that with a container? (migrate a container, not a VM)
It seemed like you were satisfied with the functionality of "qm migrate --targetstorage <string>"
The "pct migrate" has what appears to be an equivalent option " --target-storage <string>", as shown right in the middle of your screenshot. Is that not what you were looking for? And if not - can you re-state your question?
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
--target-storage <string>
As shown in your screenshot in comment #7 , there is a dash in the option that you omitted.
feel free to file a bug/enhancement here https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/ for inconsistent option format, if that bothers you enough.Code:--target-storage <string>
Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
fault, actually. They take --targetstorage
for migrate
, but then --target-storage
for remote-migrate
, they go on to use underscores in some places, hyphens in another, no deliminers in yet another ... a mess.