Migrating storage


Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
Hi I am busy migrating from 1 NAS to another.
I was hoping to just take the hard drives out and move from 1 NAS to the other but its not working....

I realized it's probably because the other original NAS is running a P222 raid controller, and even though the hard drive i am moving are not part of a raid (meaning single drives) they are still configured as raid drives.
I guess the only solution is to move the data and format the drives.
In general, its highly unlikely that you can have one random NAS system recognize disks from some other random NAS system.
However, this question should be posted in either source or destination NAS support forum, or even both.
In the meantime you should think of how you can backup and recover the data to make the transfer if you dont have spare space.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox - https://www.blockbridge.com/proxmox
ok Let me rephrase the question.
I am moving from a bare metal truenas scale to a truenas scalem vm.

I removed the hard drive set up a controller passthough, can't see any disks on true nas.
I switched off the VM, and couldn't see any disks on proxmox (using fdisk -l)

I went into the bios and can see the disk.
my question is....is it raid-related?
They are connected to a p222 controller (but set up as raid0) but on the new server i wont be using a raid controller
Thats one of the points why you shouldn't use ZFS ontop of HW raid. See here: https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Performance and Tuning/Hardware.html#hardware-raid-controllers
When you used multiple raid0 instead of direct access to the single disks, to create your ZFS pool, you won't be able to import your ZFS pool on another machine that doesn't got that same raid controller.
ah.....I am only realizing now i was using multiple raid 0!
The reason was that i had a few spare sas drives that i wanted to use and they needed a p222 controller, anyways i am moving away from all of that, and will just migrate the data....a bit of a slow process but wanted to make sure that is the reason.

I am surprised though...i thought fdisk -l will AT least see the drives and allow me to format it