Migrate ISOs from one storage to another


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020

I used to have my ISOs on a NAS. But now I want to replace the NAS with a virtual fileserver. The fileserver is up and running and also registered as storage in PVE. But I can't find a way to move the ISOs between the NAS and the fileserver storage (like I can move, for example, a VM's disk from one storage to another).

Is there a way or do I have to upload everything again to the fileserver?

They are just files. Check for every VM that the virtual CD/DVD drive has no ISO selected so they aren't in use (whats always recommended to do after installing a OS so the VM won't fail to start if a ISO or your ISO Storage is temporarily missing). You can then use the tool of your choice (WinSCP/SSH/SMB/NFS/FTP/rsync) to move all ISO files from your old folder to your new one. PVE will automatically detect the ISOs in your new ISO storage.