Merge two hyper-converged clusters into one


Renowned Member
Feb 28, 2012
Central Texas

For many years we've been running two separate hyper-converged clusters with identical hardware. Each cluster has 5 compute nodes (running VMs only) and 3 Ceph storage nodes (not running any VMs). What I want to do is merge these two clusters into one.

Does anyone have any best practices with regards to merging two clusters? I have a good idea what to expect when merging the compute nodes, but I'm not so sure about what to expect for the Ceph servers (in terms of pools and such). My current plan involves archiving and moving VMs from one cluster to the target cluster, moving compute nodes to the target cluster as needed to support the new VM load. At some point, I will need to swing the three storage nodes in order to support the storage needs on the new cluster as I move the VMs over.

My assumption is that there is no easy "move a node from one cluster to another", specifically for Ceph (that is, all data will need to be removed from the old cluster, added to the new cluster, then re-added).
