Mastering Virtualization: Proxmox, Turnkey WordPress & Nginx Proxy Manager with a Mobile Access Challenge

May 7, 2023
I am a complete beginner when it comes to virtualization. Please forgive my probably easy-to-solve question: I have installed a Proxmox server. Several LXC containers with Turnkey WordPress are installed. Nginx Proxy Manager is used as a reverse proxy, running as a VM. The configuration is simple and works great. However, there is one exception: accessing the websites via iPhone. With the proxy turned on, I get a "closed connection". I have tried Safari, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox on my iPhone. The result is the same everywhere. When calling up the websites in a desktop browser, they are displayed correctly.

Background information: I am using pfsense (Netgate 6100) as a firewall.
I am actually using HAProxy on my pfsense to handle the reverse proxy requests. Nginx Proxy Manager got way too many security issues currently.
After extensive googling and testing I was able to fix it. Add the following line underneath custom locations in nginx:
proxy_hide_header Upgrade;