Mailgateway Running - But t no https site


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Hi Proxmox
I'm running Proxmox Mailgateway and have for some time - quite super and easy
BUT I'm getting to a problem now - That I cannot figure out here

I can SSH into the machine and see everything is running. I can try to connect to the website - where I'm geting a blanc site
Looking at certificate its correct - But no matter what I'm just getting a blanc site when tryinmg to connect to the webinterface

I can see the Port is open - but no matter what Its just a blanc site its vieweing - also on either DNS or IP
I'm gettnig daily mai info - but cannot use the links in the mail - since thay are also blanc .

I've tried in Chrome, Firefox and edge - internal externally - and also from externally Teamviewer - but just a Blanc page
So can't do anything here and a reboot ain't changing anything

Do anyone have a clue or can point me in the right direction for solving this - SInce I'm not able to release mails etc from the Mailgateway, since it looks like to complete webinterface is gone


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I've tried in Chrome, Firefox and edge - internal externally - and also from externally Teamviewer - but just a Blanc page
So can't do anything here and a reboot ain't changing anything
* open the developer tools of your browser - and see if there's any error shown - make sure to use a fresh browser without any plugins installed
* check the journal on the PMG - maybe it has a hint what's off
* check if you can reach the webinterface via curl: `curl -v`

I hope this helps!