Theoretical question.
Created a bridge wmbr202, then created a virtual machine and added an interface to this bridge.
I created another virtual machine and also added an interface to this bridge.
As a result:
Bridge wmbr202 - 26:7d:99:ca:4c:67
The network card of the first virtual machine is 26:7d:99:ca:4c:67 (in proxmox 82:AA:B9:BE:0F:27)
The network card of the second virtual machine is 2e:34:06:a7:a6:bf(in proxmox 7A:27:CA:B5:81:30)
Question. Why is the MAC of the bridge the same as the MAC of the first interface added to it?
Thank you.
Theoretical question.
Created a bridge wmbr202, then created a virtual machine and added an interface to this bridge.
I created another virtual machine and also added an interface to this bridge.
As a result:
Bridge wmbr202 - 26:7d:99:ca:4c:67
The network card of the first virtual machine is 26:7d:99:ca:4c:67 (in proxmox 82:AA:B9:BE:0F:27)
The network card of the second virtual machine is 2e:34:06:a7:a6:bf(in proxmox 7A:27:CA:B5:81:30)
Question. Why is the MAC of the bridge the same as the MAC of the first interface added to it?
Thank you.