I've got two LXC on the same PVE, one running a script accessing a database server running on the other LXC. Did that several times, but possibly using another VE-Server months ago.
Now progress of the script is VERY slow. Looking into the LXCs everthing seems fine, CPU, RAM, network, disk io - all low.
But summery of PVE shows very hight IO delay. Please see attached file.
PVE was installed on Samsung SSD 870 QVO with 1 TB. I did read something about problems with SSD here and at other places - but always thought that SSD should improve performance.
One of the LXC does also use that SSD, the other does not.
Any hints? I'm not to deep into system internals and hardware, so please KISS.
Greetings Wolfgang
Now progress of the script is VERY slow. Looking into the LXCs everthing seems fine, CPU, RAM, network, disk io - all low.
But summery of PVE shows very hight IO delay. Please see attached file.
PVE was installed on Samsung SSD 870 QVO with 1 TB. I did read something about problems with SSD here and at other places - but always thought that SSD should improve performance.
One of the LXC does also use that SSD, the other does not.
Any hints? I'm not to deep into system internals and hardware, so please KISS.
Greetings Wolfgang