LXC storage migration


Oct 11, 2016

So we have a working Proxmox cluster for a couple of years and I've been wondering ... is there any plan on implementing a storage migration option for LXC containers?

It really doesn't have to be fully "live", but having to manually backup and restore machines is cumbersome and potentially leads to mistakes when you're doing it in bulk.

For instance, we're awaiting new network storage to replace our current one and the mere thought of manually backing up and then manually restoring 50+ containers gives me a headache in advance, never mind the downtime while I destroy and recreate machines...it would be real nice to have it all packed into one "command" over pct or GUI. I will probably end up writing scripts for the whole lot but it still makes me wonder why this quality of life option hasn't been implemented in one form or the other.

storage migration option for LXC containers?
* You can already do a storage migration - `pct move_volume <vmid> <volume> <storage>` (see `man pct`) to move the volumes of a container from one storage to another on one node
* You can also migrate the container to another node `pct migrate`)
* Those two are also available via the API (and the GUI)
both options only work while the containers are offline

Hope this helps!
I'm testing it right now (move_volume), but can't believe I've actually didn't see it... was it a recent addition or I'm just plain blind?

It helps a lot and thanks for that!
Thanks! Anyway, just what I needed, not ideal since it's offline but very workable within declared maintenance periods.