[SOLVED] LXC container won't start

it's a different issue: apache2.service: Failed to set up mount namespacing: Permission denied

you might need to enable "nesting" feature for the container
The nesting option worked. The container is operational again. Thank you both very much for your help @oguz and @Moayad !!

For my information, what exactly does the nesting option do? I have read this documentation but I don't see the link to my problem.
For my information, what exactly does the nesting option do? I have read this documentation but I don't see the link to my problem.

well it allows /sys and /proc to be mounted with read-write permissions, which then allows for example docker or systemd-nspawn to run in a container (although there are security implications with this of course, so it's recommended to run docker etc. in a VM)

for a while now there are issues/bugs with newer systemd versions (which probably won't get fixed afaik) and it can become necessary for some software to work properly in containers.

Thank you both very much for your help @oguz and @Moayad !!

you're very welcome! you can mark the thread [SOLVED] so everyone knows what to expect when they click! :)