I have a /24 connected to a host. If I fire up a LXC with and assign an IP to it eg: (just an example) the guest is able to steal an address like by just changing it interfaces config and restarting the network. We activated the FW and tried using IPSet to prevent this from happening, however, no matter what we do, it's still possible.
What would be the correct way to make sure that's not possible anymore?
I have a /24 connected to a host. If I fire up a LXC with and assign an IP to it eg: (just an example) the guest is able to steal an address like by just changing it interfaces config and restarting the network. We activated the FW and tried using IPSet to prevent this from happening, however, no matter what we do, it's still possible.
What would be the correct way to make sure that's not possible anymore?