LVM shows as 2TB, but shows as 500GB in disk summary


Jan 28, 2023
I am trying to extend my local storage. I have just cloned from a 500GB disk to a 2TB. Clone went well, and after the clone, I used Gparted to expand the PVE partition with any unallocated space, which was 1.5TB (all bar the 500GB).

Now, when I view the disk in node >> Disks the disk shows as 2TB, however when I select my storage and view the summary on that disk, it still shows as max available is 500GB.

Any idea what i'm doing wrong here?


You are looking at "local". Local is a Directory storage pool that points to /var/lib/vz. That, in turn, is part of Root filesystem, that is located on Root LVM slice.
You said you expanded partition. But you do not mention expanding Physical Volume (pvs), Volume Group (vgs), or Logical Volume (lvs). Nor did you mention that you expanded the root filesystem.

Think carefully about what exactly you are trying to expand (root filesystem? local-lvm for disk images?). Then find an appropriate guide on the net and finish the steps that you omitted.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
I dont get it, it says the /dev/sda3 is already 2TB, I dont see any other partitions

Device       Start        End    Sectors  Size Type
/dev/sda1       34       2047       2014 1007K BIOS boot
/dev/sda2     2048    1050623    1048576  512M EFI System
/dev/sda3  1050624 3907028991 3905978368  1.8T Linux LVM
I dont get it, it says the /dev/sda3 is already 2TB, I dont see any other partitions
Those are physical partitions on your HD /dev/sda

However you need to understand how Proxmox uses the 3rd partition of /dev/sda3 carefully.

Start by showing here the output of the following command:
This produces formatted output about Physical Volumes