LVM Shared configuration


New Member
Mar 4, 2023

I am a new user in Proxmox Virtual Environment and I need help.

I have 3 pve server now in cluster.

Each server have a LVM PVE, an LVM "data" on sdb. The LVM "data" is mounted on my PVE via fstab on boot. On the "data" I have configure via GUI PVE, "directory" to store ISO, vm disk, snap, etc.

On each PVE stockage section, i have connected an ISCSI SAN "SAN_Prod".

Now, I would like create on this "SAN_Prod" a LVM shared for my 3 PVE server and stored my ISO, snap, vmdisk centrally. When I upload centos.iso on exemple on my PVE1, I found also this iso on my PVE2 and PVE3.

i was just thinking that creating an PV, VG, VL and lvchange -ay on the others node it would work but not

Even if is not recommanded, I use only 1 lan interface to communicate between my servers.

My question is how to do ?

I m lost, I see on the net and differents linux distributions differents informations:

install multipath
vgcreate -s
vgcreate -c

Someone can explain me on the main lines, the steps to follow to create my "centralized/Shared LVM" on my ISCSI ? I need create "directory" after on this LVM from my GUI (storage mode file and no block).

Thanks and have a good day.
You cannot have a shared filesystem on shared LVM and you cannot snapshot on shared LVM either.

If you want to use your local storage and replicate it across your cluster, you need CEPH or glusterfs, LVM will not work in such a setup (at least not in a supported configuration).