LVM not mounted properly - getting maintenance mode after boot


New Member
Aug 14, 2023

First of all, sorry I this question was replied but I tried diferents post and none of them are working for me. I used Proxomox just for some months, well just installation and setup.

I my server I have 2 disk, so past few weeks I wanted to enlarge my wm space. So I setup to access my Synology DS216.

Today cause I can't backup this wm I have to restart server (was first time after expand space). But I am getting always go emergency mode.

After edit and comment last line on fstab I can access system


But now my WM Windows 10 do not boot, no boot options. In Wm hardware I can say disk local-lvm-vm-110.

I think the problem is before I created a lvm-thin but now cause is not mounting wmdpart now is not seeing the vm disk.

This my LVM-Thin
Captura de pantalla 2023-08-14 a las 14.04.02.png

Any clue. Thanks in advance
Hi there,

did you have any success? I have a similar, if not even the same problem. I don't use THIN-storage though.
I tried many different solutions on trying to solve this OS-sided on my Linux distro. However, nothing seems to work.

When i boot without the fstab-entry, i don't get any errors and can mount the partition manually. Afterwards, the fix first seems permanently and works across "reboots". However, when i use "shutdown" and then manually boot the system again over PVE, i get basically the same timeout as you're getting above.

I tried changing the boot order and letting the LVM-storage get "attached"/searched for boot entries first. This didn't work either.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance as well!