LVM GPT disk shrinking


New Member
Dec 6, 2022
I'm new in Proxmox, and I need Centos 7 to migrate P2V.
It's table is GPT, and legacy BIOS is used on it's IBM server.
I created VM with disk and used Cloneziila with -iefi parameter to clone physical HDD (500 GB) to local-lvm:vm-102-disk-0, the result is OK.
Then I shrinked partitions on this vm-102-disk-0 (20 GB used and 480 unallocated) using Gparted, it also boots OK.
Then I tried to clone one VM disk (500 GB) to another (30GB) both ways:
a. using Clonezilla (-icds and -iefi parameters)
b. dd and then gdisk (d and e rebuilding backup header and partition table parameters).
No success any way - I can't boot from this shrinked vm-102-disk-2, it shows this rebooting:

root@proxmox:~# cat /etc/pve/qemu-server/102.conf
agent: 1
boot: order=scsi0
cores: 2
ide2: All-but-OS:iso/gparted-live-1.4.0-6-amd64.iso,media=cdrom,size=484M
memory: 1024
meta: creation-qemu=7.2.0,ctime=1685101740
name: Office-Router
net0: virtio=32:06:CC:C8:24:C1,bridge=vmbr1
numa: 0
ostype: l26
scsi0: local-lvm:vm-102-disk-2,cache=directsync,discard=on,iothread=1,size=30G
scsihw: virtio-scsi-single
smbios1: uuid=7196610c-4199-41db-8a9f-bb7d30afc06c
sockets: 1
unused1: local-lvm:vm-102-disk-0
vmgenid: 7df5b1e5-51a8-4878-8b4b-37e7ca743887

Please help me with this case.
P.S. Recently I successfully migrated Centos P2V similar way. But 2 differences - I first shrinked the partitions (not the disk full size, but partitions) on physical server, then second - Clonezilla -icds shrinking cloning. And there was DOS, not GPT.


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