[SOLVED] Lot of mail from root@hostname to root@hostname empty sender list


Nov 29, 2019

I've installed PMG and it's working fine. The only thing which is anoying is the fact there is a lot of messages in the Tracking Center (selected empty senders) from root (root@myhostname.tld) to root@myhostname.tld. I did some searches in the logs based on the message ID's, but couldn`t find what is causing this (no subjects).

In the /etc/aliases I set root: /dev/null and ran newaliases after that, but still all this mail in the system. Anyone an idea to get rid of this?

Screenshot_2021-01-17 gate01 - Proxmox Mail Gateway.png
Without knowing what those mails are it is not really easy to stop them - please post the logs for one such mail.
also consider removing the alias to /dev/null and check what's inside the mails (if there's no forward set they should end up in /var/mail/root - in the default setting they are sent to the e-mail address you provided during the install)

I hope this helps!
I thought I disabled all the e-mail alerts from some other software, but there was some variable hanging. After disabeling it again the mail flood stopped and PMG has become to a normal state, without a lot of logging.