We have ProxMox VE 7 licensed instance, working with no issues for 4 months. As of today we are unable to login through the web interface with "Login failed. Please try again" error. The password was never changed and our last login was end of Dec last year.
We cannot SSH as I think the root account is by default disabled (getting "Permission denied, please try again." error).
How can we overcome this issue as it is critical we access the server (we have several VMs running with no issues) but we want to install tailscale for remote access, plus update proxmox.
We cannot SSH as I think the root account is by default disabled (getting "Permission denied, please try again." error).
How can we overcome this issue as it is critical we access the server (we have several VMs running with no issues) but we want to install tailscale for remote access, plus update proxmox.