[SOLVED] locked out of PVE host


Active Member
Feb 19, 2020
During a non scheduled network change I lost the ability to connect to the PVE GUI.
But because one of my VM's, with keyboard and mouse passthrough, has autostart I can also no longer log into the host CLI. Yeah I know, rookie mistake this configureation :(

How can I get into the CLI? It's ok if the VM's stop autostarting or not start at all. They are not reachable anyway at the moment.
How did you configure the keyboard passthrough? Does it work if you connect it to another port? Can you attach a second keyboard (that hopefully will not be passed through)?

Does that VM also have a GPU passed through directly? If so, can you use that to log in to the underlying PVE host? Depends on how you set up the network, but if you only have one vmbr that is used for the PVE host and to connect the VMs to, that could work as well.
the keyboard was usb added using vendor id. so changing port does not matter it will always be passed through.

Anyway I luily found a spare keyboard and got it sorted.
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