Local LVM - Won't let me select for local VM storage.


New Member
May 23, 2020

Just got started with Proxmox, and I'm trying to get some VM's installed. I have formatted them and then added them to the datacenter under LVM.

This is all the storage I have added, they are LVM. I'm trying to use the one called MainStorage for the VM's.

Then when I try and create a Virtual Machine, I can't select the MainStorage.

I'm sure I've made a very easy mistake, please help me!
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yes, that is the selector for the isos, and you cannot have isos on an lvm storage (only on directory based storage types)
the disk selection happens on the next page of the wizard
On the OS tab You have to point where is an ISO file (image of OS install/boot disk). You already have space for ISOs (files) on "local" storage, there you should upload ISO file first then back to OS tab.
LVM storage (e.g. "local-lvm") will be used on "Hard Disk" tab where you point (destination) storage for use by VM OS as hard disk.

On Your 1st image there is a Content column: ISO image (for ISO files), Disk images (for VM storage).

*OS - operating system (Linux distro/Win/etc.)
*VM - Virtual Machine
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