Live migration with '--with-local-disks' as raw format


Active Member
Jan 27, 2019
Hi guys,

Is live migration with local storage supported if a VM has disk(s) in raw format?

If raw format doesn't support a native way for generating a snapshot, wouldn't this affect how a live migration with disks is performed?

Or is it because QEMU or Proxmox has a different implementation to do live migration? It appears it is possible to generate an external snapshot as qcow2 for a base disk in raw format.

Much appreciated.
live migration with local disks works with qemu-internal drive-mirror, it does not have to be aware of the underlying storage/files
Thanks dcsapak,

So is live backup for raw disk based on the same qemu implementation or does vzdump has its own way of achieving this?

So is live backup for raw disk based on the same qemu implementation or does vzdump has its own way of achieving this?
it is similar as it also uses an internal qemu backup command but not exactly the same