little windows help


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
if you know less about Linux

try this

in the BACKUP GUI (the one https:/ you click on
Create ZFS
you select a drive
You enter a name for the drive using the standard rules - don't start with a 12345 etc.
remember the name you give it will be used below - don't name it too complicated - it is only really used here - call it ABC for all the difference it makes.

NOTE: it is CasEsenSitive

Still in the BACK UP GUI
you get the finger print from the back up server under "Dashboard / Show Fingerprint", copy this and put it into "F" below, recommend you use notepad

in notepad paste this

pvesm add pbs BackUpStorage<see A> --server <see B> --datastore <see C> --username root@pam<see D> --password YourRootPassword <see E> --fingerprint <F goes here - no <> >


you cannot change this-> pvesm add pbs

this is what your Proxmox nodes will call the storage - same as for NFS or SCSI or Ceph or local storage -> make it unique but meaningful I.e. BackUpStorage
It will appear in the Proxmox GUI as a storage
- Case SenSitIvE
- all one word

B. --server
this can be any valid IP either LAN or WAN, for example you can use "" or if it is LAN ""

it must point to port 8007 - I am sure this will change in beta 3
It will connect fine to a remote location , not case sensitive
all one word if WAN or - obviously no "

C. -- datestore
This is the name of the datastore your have set up on the BACKUP VM / MACHINE ^^^^^ ABOVE
in the BACKUP GUI (the one https:/ you click on
Create ZFS
and you select a drive to use then the name you give it will be used here
NOTE: it is CasEsenSitive
Note : you need to do this first (spoiler will put it above now)

D. root@pam
if like me you have created a NEW USER on the BACKUP server then you cannot use this ( not in beta 2)
simply use root@pam, I am sure this will change but for now, trust me .

E. YourRootPassword
this the the root password for the BACKUP Server.
When you installed the software from the ISO it was just after TIME ZONE

F. the finger print , simply paste it in
no quotes, no < or >

in notepad you will end up with something like this

pvesm add pbs BackUpStorage --server --datastore BackUpZFS1 --username root@pam --password joshua2000 --fingerprint a7:47:fa:ff:ff:e1:2e:ab:98:86:6d:3e:e8:47:bb:15:1e:17:c6:1a:27:fe:c3:4a:4f:95:f9:70:74:8c:ea:30

copy it and paste it into a NODE for your proxmox cluster console.
it will work
you will have a new datastore that you can send BACKUP too directly from your
Backup tab



check --datastore BackUpZFS1
it is case sensitive so "--datastore BackupZFS1" wont work - and they think linux is good :(

check --server
check for double spacing

