LDAP query for security group members


New Member
May 11, 2023

I have been trying to implement security group query for the proxmox backup server for the realm auth with no success.

on the PVE side everything works, and on back up side realm join and sync work but as soon as i try to implement queries against the security group it gives me syntax errors, or it just tells me that the sync went ok but nothing happens.style='box-sizing: border-box'>

if I use direct memberOf=cn=MyGroup,ou=gon,dc=example,dc=com it gives me syntax error and with (&(objectclass=user)(samaccountname=*)(MemberOf=CN=group_name_here,OU=name,DC=domain,DC=tld)
it gives sync ok but it does not actually sync the group members

i were wondering has anyone solved issue similar to this, or am I trying to implement functionality too soon since there is no group settings etc yet on the PBS side...
Hello jsivula,

the correct syntax for the 'user filter' should be (memberOf=cn=MyGroup,ou=gon,dc=example,dc=com) - notice the parenthesis around the expression. IIRC the Proxmox VE implementation adds them to the expression automatically in case they are missing, so that might be the reason why it works there.

Hope this helps!