Issue w/ pbs-client on an armv7l Pi... help?


New Member
Sep 19, 2021
Hoping someone can help... I'm trying to backup my Raspberry Pi openmediavault NAS's /export drives to my PBS server. The PBS server is a standard x86 install of PBS. The Pi is:

root@SpeakerOffice:/home/pi# uname -m
root@SpeakerOffice:/home/pi# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release: 10
Codename: buster
root@SpeakerOffice:/home/pi# uname -a
Linux SpeakerOffice 5.10.103-v7l+ #1529 SMP Tue Mar 8 12:24:00 GMT 2022 armv7l GNU/Linux

I've used this GitHub to build proxmox-backup-client on the ARMv7 Pi... I can run it on a very small test folder (~/testNAS) like this:

root@SpeakerOffice:/home/pi# ./
Starting backup: host/SpeakerOffice/2022-07-13T23:39:50Z
Client name: SpeakerOffice
Starting backup protocol: Wed Jul 13 16:39:50 2022
Downloading previous manifest (Wed Jul 13 16:34:14 2022)
Upload directory '/home/pi/testNAS' to '' as root.pxar.didx
root.pxar: had to backup 21.75 MiB of 21.75 MiB (compressed 21.659 MiB) in 1.14s
root.pxar: average backup speed: 19.04 MiB/s
Uploaded backup catalog (241 B)
Duration: 1.25s
End Time: Wed Jul 13 16:39:51 2022

However, when I change that path from /home/pi/testNAS to /export/Backup4TB, which is a 4TB drive with files over 4GB, I get an error:

root@SpeakerOffice:/home/pi# ./
Starting backup: host/SpeakerOffice/2022-07-13T23:40:59Z
Client name: SpeakerOffice
Starting backup protocol: Wed Jul 13 16:40:59 2022
Downloading previous manifest (Wed Jul 13 16:39:50 2022)
Upload directory '/export/Backup4TB' to '' as root.pxar.didx
catalog upload error - channel closed
Error: stat failed on "SiriusXMFreeRadio.mp4": EOVERFLOW: Value too large for defined data type

As Google tells me, the EOVERFLOW error points to 32bit arch's, but... it seems like its failing on files over 4GB, which is an FAT32 limit? I may be off by thinking about that.. however, does anyone have any suggestions? I want to use proxmox-backup-client to backup three large TB drives that are on the Pi, but can't seem to get around this issue. As stated the ~/testNAS very small directory gets to the PBS machine perfect and I can see all the files - but the real drives won't go. ???
Not sure about the PBS-client but the PBS-Server requires 64bit according to the documentation. Newer Raspis support 64bit but most people just install the 32bit Version of Raspbian and not the 64bit one.
You are using Raspbian based on Buster and as ar as I know there only exists a 32bit version of it. Starting with the Bullseye based Rasbian oyu can choose to install from the 32bit or 64bit image.

Maybe someone of that staff can tell us if the proxmox-backup-client also requires a 64-bit OS or not.
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Thanks; yea, and I don't have any [easy] way to migrate the Pi-NAS to 64bit... I think when I first installed openmediavault I didn't even think about it and started on a 32bit Debian. Sucks, too, cause I could have easily started on 64bit - and now since I have fsarchiver backups of the Pi-NAS system, I can't use that to SIMPLY install Debian 64bit and... using the fsarchiver files it would overwrite that, too.

I guess I can just use rsync; I was just hoping to have my NAS drives backed up all perty-like in the PBS dashboard. :P Hmmmmm...