I was wondering if someone could help me, Currently added a new host into the cluster and i keep getting the no vnc host verification error
I have tried deleted the key
whats odd is that prometheus4 cant see prometheus 2 or prometheus BUT prometheus and prometheus 2 can see each other on the VNC
i was reading on another forum post something about this but not sure if i need to run it on the prometheus 4 which is the new one i added or to all of them??
Thank you
I was wondering if someone could help me, Currently added a new host into the cluster and i keep getting the no vnc host verification error
I have tried deleted the key
ssh-keygen -f "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts" -R prometheus
ssh-keygen -f "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts" -R
whats odd is that prometheus4 cant see prometheus 2 or prometheus BUT prometheus and prometheus 2 can see each other on the VNC
i was reading on another forum post something about this but not sure if i need to run it on the prometheus 4 which is the new one i added or to all of them??
ssh -o HostKeyAlias=IPv4.address.of.other.node IPv4.address.of.other.node
ssh -o HostKeyAlias=HostnameOfOtherNode HostnameOfOtherNode
Thank you