[SOLVED] Issue after update with postgre


Renowned Member
Aug 13, 2017
I was wondering if someone could shed some light, Currently i updated PMG from version 5 to 6 then 6 to 7 then 7 to 8, and the update working fine, the issue is that every time i reboot i have to go to postgre config and change every line that says 9.6 to 15 and restart the service, not sure why its not sticking the config?

Thank you
I was wondering if someone could shed some light, Currently i updated PMG from version 5 to 6 then 6 to 7 then 7 to 8, and the update working fine, the issue is that every time i reboot i have to go to postgre config and change every line that says 9.6 to 15 and restart the service, not sure why its not sticking the config?
did you follow the upgrade guides for all the versions?:

regarding postgresql on Debian - the procedure is quite similar for all of them - install the new version - upgrade the pg-cluster - remove the old version.
hi thanks for the reply, yeah correct the update worked perfectly its just so weird every time i reboot the config goes back to version 9.6
How does the config look after a reboot? (post a few relevant lines) - also what's the output of:
* `pmgconfig dump`
* `pmgversion -v`
* `ss -tlnp |grep 54`
Thank you for the reply attaching the logs
composed.wl_bounce_relays = mail.domain.com
dns.domain = domain.com
dns.fqdn = mail.domain.com
dns.hostname = mail
ipconfig.int_ip = 181.1xxxxx
pmg.admin.advfilter = 1
pmg.admin.avast = 0
pmg.admin.clamav = 1
pmg.admin.custom_check = 0
pmg.admin.custom_check_path = /usr/local/bin/pmg-custom-check
pmg.admin.dailyreport = 0
pmg.admin.demo = 0
pmg.admin.dkim-use-domain = envelope
pmg.admin.dkim_selector =
pmg.admin.dkim_sign = 0
pmg.admin.dkim_sign_all_mail = 0
pmg.admin.email = sistemas@domain.com
pmg.admin.http_proxy =
pmg.admin.statlifetime = 7
pmg.clamav.archiveblockencrypted = 0
pmg.clamav.archivemaxfiles = 1000
pmg.clamav.archivemaxrec = 5
pmg.clamav.archivemaxsize = 25000000
pmg.clamav.dbmirror = database.clamav.net
pmg.clamav.maxcccount = 0
pmg.clamav.maxscansize = 100000000
pmg.clamav.safebrowsing = 0
pmg.clamav.scriptedupdates = 1
pmg.mail.banner = mail.domain.com
pmg.mail.before_queue_filtering = 0
pmg.mail.conn_count_limit = 50
pmg.mail.conn_rate_limit = 0
pmg.mail.dnsbl_sites = zen.spamhaus.org*2,psbl.surriel.com*2,noptr.spamrats.com*2,escalations.dnsbl.sorbs.net*2,bl.score.senderscore.com*2,bl.spameatingmonkey.net*2,dnsbl.dronebl.org*2,ix.dnsbl.manitu.net,b.barracudacentral.org,truncate.gbudb.net,bl.blocklist.de
pmg.mail.dnsbl_threshold = 2
pmg.mail.dwarning = 4
pmg.mail.ext_port = 25
pmg.mail.filter-timeout = 600
pmg.mail.greylist = 0
pmg.mail.greylist6 = 0
pmg.mail.greylistmask4 = 24
pmg.mail.greylistmask6 = 64
pmg.mail.helotests = 1
pmg.mail.hide_received = 0
pmg.mail.int_port = 26
pmg.mail.max_filters = 12
pmg.mail.max_policy = 5
pmg.mail.max_smtpd_in = 100
pmg.mail.max_smtpd_out = 100
pmg.mail.maxsize = 50485760
pmg.mail.message_rate_limit = 0
pmg.mail.ndr_on_block = 0
pmg.mail.rejectunknown = 0
pmg.mail.rejectunknownsender = 0
pmg.mail.relay =
pmg.mail.relaynomx = 0
pmg.mail.relayport = 25
pmg.mail.relayprotocol = smtp
pmg.mail.smarthost =
pmg.mail.smarthostport = 25
pmg.mail.smtputf8 = 1
pmg.mail.spf = 1
pmg.mail.tls = 1
pmg.mail.tlsheader = 1
pmg.mail.tlslog = 1
pmg.mail.verifyreceivers = 550
pmg.spam.bounce_score = 0
pmg.spam.clamav_heuristic_score = 3
pmg.spam.extract_text = 0
pmg.spam.languages = all
pmg.spam.maxspamsize = 262144
pmg.spam.rbl_checks = 1
pmg.spam.use_awl = 1
pmg.spam.use_bayes = 1
pmg.spam.use_razor = 1
pmg.spam.wl_bounce_relays =
pmg.spamquar.allowhrefs = 1
pmg.spamquar.authmode = ldap
pmg.spamquar.hostname =
pmg.spamquar.lifetime = 7
pmg.spamquar.mailfrom = sistemas@xxxxxx
pmg.spamquar.port = 8006
pmg.spamquar.protocol = https
pmg.spamquar.quarantinelink = 0
pmg.spamquar.reportstyle = custom
pmg.spamquar.viewimages = 1
pmg.virusquar.allowhrefs = 1
pmg.virusquar.lifetime = 60
pmg.virusquar.viewimages = 1
postfix.dnsbl_sites = zen.spamhaus.org*2,psbl.surriel.com*2,noptr.spamrats.com*2,escalations.dnsbl.sorbs.net*2,bl.score.senderscore.com*2,bl.spameatingmonkey.net*2,dnsbl.dronebl.org*2,ix.dnsbl.manitu.net,b.barracudacentral.org,truncate.gbudb.net,bl.blocklist.de
postfix.dnsbl_threshold = 2
postfix.int_ip =
postfix.mynetworks = 181.xxxxx/32 [::1]/128
postfix.transportnets =
postfix.usepolicy = 1
postgres.version = 15

proxmox-mailgateway: 8.1.0 (API: 8.1.2/c979cfd1d78a, running kernel: 6.5.13-3-pve)
pmg-api: 8.1.2
pmg-gui: 4.1.1
proxmox-kernel-helper: 8.1.0
pve-kernel-5.15: 7.4-11
proxmox-kernel-6.5.13-3-pve-signed: 6.5.13-3
proxmox-kernel-6.5: 6.5.13-3
pve-kernel-5.4: 6.4-20
pve-kernel-5.15.143-1-pve: 5.15.143-1
pve-kernel-5.4.203-1-pve: 5.4.203-1
pve-kernel-4.15: 5.4-19
pve-kernel-4.15.18-30-pve: 4.15.18-58
pve-kernel-4.15.18-7-pve: 4.15.18-27
clamav-daemon: 1.0.3+dfsg-1~deb12u1
ifupdown: 0.8.41
libarchive-perl: 3.6.2
libjs-extjs: 7.0.0-4
libjs-framework7: 4.4.7-2
libproxmox-acme-perl: 1.5.0
libproxmox-acme-plugins: 1.5.0
libpve-apiclient-perl: 3.3.2
libpve-common-perl: 8.1.1
libpve-http-server-perl: 5.0.6
libxdgmime-perl: 1.1.0
lvm2: 2.03.16-2
pmg-docs: 8.1.1
pmg-i18n: 3.2.1
pmg-log-tracker: 2.5.0
proxmox-mini-journalreader: 1.4.0
proxmox-offline-mirror-helper: 0.6.5
proxmox-spamassassin: 4.0.0-5
proxmox-widget-toolkit: 4.1.5
pve-firmware: 3.9-2
pve-xtermjs: 5.3.0-3
zfsutils-linux: 2.2.3-pve1

root@mail:~# ss -tlnp |grep 54
LISTEN 0      244*    users:(("postgres",pid=514,fd=5))
Looks all quite fine - I guess the postgres service (running with pid 514) is indeed version 15.

Then my guess is that you have a copy of the postgresql config template in /etc/pmg/templates - I would suggest to simply remove it, if you don't have any needed modifications to the postgresql config
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wow i think that did the trick, i changed also in the templates, out of curiosity how come it creates a template? does that mean everytime it reboots grabs from the templates?
wow i think that did the trick, i changed also in the templates
please consider simply removing the template override if you do not need it actively! else you miss out on changes we ship in the packages
see the roadmap:
  • Notify when a template was copied to /etc/pmg/templates without any modifications, to prevent missing important changes to config files

out of curiosity how come it creates a template
That's quite well explained in the docs:

the config is generated from templates - and this gets done upon reboot, upon actively changing config settings in the GUI, and once per day

I hope this explains it!
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