ISO Automatic Update Question


New Member
Jul 24, 2019
I was wondering if anyone knows of a script or plugin that will allow me to keep my directory of ISO's up to date automatically. Therefore if I have a Debian ISO, Centos ISO, and Ubuntu ISO for example the newest versions available will automatically be downloaded for use to spin up VM's. A google search hasn't turned anything up yet. I could probably make a simple script and run a cron job to do it but I find it hard to believe that there is not something out there to accomplish this already.
You may be right but I plan on having 15 - 20 different ISO's available and do not wish to have to update them manually.
Any updates on this? I would like to keep the VirtIO image updated. This link has the current version, but it saves it as virtio-win.iso instead of with the version like virtio-win-0.1.240.iso if you download that link in a browser. Since you can't easily change the name once it's uploaded, it'd be nice to be able to just use the URL, which is updated every time there's a new version, to always have the latest version. Many SysUtility ISOs have the same type of link so it'd be useful for many things, so I assume it's possible, I just can't find how
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