I am playing arround with Proxmox 6.0-9, trying to figure out, how multipath works. I did not found any explicit answers, so I am asking here.
My configuration is as follows:
My setup is as following:
Server1, nic1:
Server1, nic2:
Server2, nic1:
Server2, nic2:
As you can see, every nic is in its own broadcast domain. I can ping my storage from all broadcast domains as every port on storage is on every broadcast domain (basically I have 4 separate networks).
Adding disks to datacenter seems trivial with GUI: Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> iSCSI: Name, portal IP, Target
As the brodcast domain is limited to only once nic on server, this newly added storage is not reachable by Server2.
What are the correct steps to have multipath working?
Thank you.
I am playing arround with Proxmox 6.0-9, trying to figure out, how multipath works. I did not found any explicit answers, so I am asking here.
My configuration is as follows:
- Lenovo Storage DE2000H (Dual controller with dual ports)
- 2x Lenovo Servers with 4port nics each
My setup is as following:
Server1, nic1:
Server1, nic2:
Server2, nic1:
Server2, nic2:
As you can see, every nic is in its own broadcast domain. I can ping my storage from all broadcast domains as every port on storage is on every broadcast domain (basically I have 4 separate networks).
Adding disks to datacenter seems trivial with GUI: Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> iSCSI: Name, portal IP, Target
As the brodcast domain is limited to only once nic on server, this newly added storage is not reachable by Server2.
What are the correct steps to have multipath working?
Thank you.
defaults {
polling_interval 2
path_selector "round-robin 0"
path_grouping_policy multibus
uid_attribute ID_SERIAL
rr_min_io 100
failback immediate
no_path_retry queue
user_friendly_names yes
blacklist {
devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
devnode "^hd[a-z][[0-9]*]"
devnode "^sda[[0-9]*]"
devnode "^cciss!c[0-9]d[0-9]*"
multipaths {
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea0000146e7000003005d6304f3
alias disk1
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea000014601000003a45d64f8ee
alias disk2
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea0000146e7000007465d64f962
alias disk3
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea000014601000003a85d64f935
alias disk4
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea0000146010000524a5dad9a06
alias disk5
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea0000146e7000034365dadaba1
alias disk6
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea00001460100005f855dae4ac2
alias disk7
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea0000146e70000347b5db4bf0f
alias disk8
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea0000146010000611d5db4c3fc
alias disk9
multipath {
wwid 36d039ea000014601000001ea5d6261eb
alias disk10