iSCSI - Disk not Active on all nodes in the cluster


New Member
Apr 22, 2024
I've got 3 PVE nodes in a cluster.
When I add an iSCSI Disk (All Nodes + Use LUNs directly selected), the disk is only added to 2 nodes.
Checking each PVE server with lsscsi & iscsiadm confirms that only 2 nodes can see the disk.
# lsscsi (Nodes 1 & 3)
[2:0:0:0] storage HP P420i 8.32 -
[2:1:0:0] disk HP LOGICAL VOLUME 8.32 /dev/sda
[3:0:0:0] disk QNAP iSCSI Storage 4.0 /dev/sdb

# lsscsi (Node 2)
[2:0:0:0] storage HP P420i 8.32 -
[2:1:0:0] disk HP LOGICAL VOLUME 8.32 /dev/sda

# iscsiadm -m session (Nodes 1 & 3)
tcp: [3],1 (non-flash)

# iscsiadm -m session (Node 2)
iscsiadm: No active sessions.

Checking storage.cfg on ALL nodes shows that the disk is defined on all 3 nodes
iscsi: NAS-4-01-PVE_0
content images

When I check the Proxmox GUI the iSCSI disk shows as Enabled & Active on Nodes 1 & 3 and Node 2 shows only as Enabled = Yes & Active = No

Checking the iSCSI target shows that only Node 1 & 3 are connected.

Is there any reason that Node 2 consistently refuses to connect to the iSCSI disk? I've removed the iSCSI disk several times from the cluster and re-added it again and it's always Node 2 that won't connect.
Any ideas or tips for me to look at?

PVE v8.1.3 is installed on all 3 nodes
AFAIK it will only become active on that node when that node actually uses that iSCSI. So try migrating/creating etc. something on that node using the iSCSI & it should become active. I assume the other 2 nodes have already used that iSCSI space but not the third node - hence the discrepancy.
Thanks for your responses - tried to manually add the path
# iscsiadm --mode node --targetname -p --login
iscsiadm: No records found

I have not used iSCSI on the other Nodes 1 & 3 - they both became active when I added the iSCSI target via the Web GUI.
I tried migrating a VM to Node 2 but when I tried to allocate the target storage to the iSCSI disk it shows 0bytes Avail & Capacity so the migration fails.

I tried running a iscsi discovery from Node 2 and it reports the iSCSI disk so it obviously can connect to the target OK - it just can't login
Interesting development - After trying to migrate a VM from Node 2 and using the iSCSI disk (and failing) then running the iscsi discovery, I tried connecting to the iSCSI disk with --login , It returned a message indicating that the session was already active!
Sure enough the connection is now active - so I'm not sure what started the connection. Also checking the NAS shows that all 3 nodes are connected to the LUN.
Thanks all for your advice and speedy responses! Much appreciated!
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I would examine the logs. The iSCSI storage, once configured, is constantly probed for health by PVE. It would have been interesting to compare, during the bad state, outputs of :
pvesm status
pvesm scan iscsi

As well as look at "journalctl -f". Its hard to say now which of your steps jiggered the connection, as I am sure you did a lot of tinkering between your initial post and the time it "started" working.
You could try to reboot all of your nodes at the same time and then examine the state.
Good luck

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