is there something can be used with Proxmox for this


New Member
Jan 22, 2016
our library has about 100 thin clients to connect qemu VMs which are manged by Proxmox, is there some way in Proxmox or open source project to

1:allow all users have their own user names and passwords
2:they all have their own virtual machines
3:when one user is gone and another user uses the thin client and the thin client connects the users own VM
4:the VM is not in use will shutdown itself
5:the VM is in shutdown state turns on itself if someone requires it by username and password
6:after a new user registered the host create a new VM for the user

or does Proxmox team have a plan for this? This function is very useful for public machines which use virtualized VMs
does Proxmox team have a plan for this?
REALLY doubtful, considering how niche the request is. This sounds like something a cpanel-type application could use the API for. Someone will have to write it unless you want to start doing so. Maybe there is something out there similar...I don't know
Not what you are requesting, but a (different) solution could be a (K)ubuntu VM (on ssd storage or in any case fast I/O) with LTSP configured, and for performance the clients used as "fat client" (if they have a decent processor and >= 1.5 GB ram). Have a look at and ubuntu documentation about it. We use this in schools.