[SOLVED] Is linux bridged needed for this or not?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
So hopefully this is an easy question someone can explain to me, I am not the best when it comes to network and networking.

I have four nics on each server 2x1G and 2x10G.

I have a vmbr0 for promxox management 192.168.x.x

Now I am going to be setting up ceph for the two 10G ports. My question is do I need to create a vmbrX (linux bridge) for each 10 G interface for cephcluster and cephpublic traffic? Or can I just set each IP directly on the eno3 or eno4?

Does either way matter? Pros and cons? I have tried both ways and both work, but I dont' know what is best. I am asking because right now I am in the testing phase!

Thanks for any insight.
The bridge is needed to connect guests to the outside world or with each other. Think of it as a software switch which can have its own IP address. Therefore, no need to use one for a Ceph only network. You might want to use a Bond though if you want redundancy.
Thank you! That is what I needed to know! I was thinking about bonding them for redundancy (i have a capable switch brocade icx 6610), but not 100% how to set it all up with a bond.
So with the help of a forum member I was able to bond my two 10G nics and set it up on the switch! I also was able to make 2 vlans for ceph public and ceph cluster. Then I was able to make a 3rd vlan using this bond for a migration network!
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