Internal network between 2 servers in a cluster


May 12, 2017

So to explain the environment as follows:

Both servers have a connection to the internet with public IP's and are added to a single cluster.
Server 1 has a separate NIC with a cable connected to server 2 (Has IP
Server 2 uses second same nic with the second port connected to server one (Has IP

So basically there is an ethernet cable connected directly from server 1 to server 2

I can ping (server1) from (server2) the problem is that I want to give a VM on server connection using that cable so for instance the VM would have IP ( I did try to make Bridges on each server and it worked and I could ping the bridges and nic IPs from each server but once I create a VM and give it the bridge as a network then go into the VM (in this case Prxmox backup) and edit the network setting to only have IP and not gateway I can not ping our from the VM at all.

Is there a good way I can do this and I want my backups to run over that directly connected cable as the cluster already communicates on that fine.
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