Interesting GPU Passthrough result


New Member
Aug 2, 2023
So currently have a windows VM running with GPU Passthrough

Cyberpunk can only hit 30fps a really stable 30fps

GPU is a 3090
CPU is a 19 10900k with 8 cores passed through
and 32gb of ram

Any thoughts?

Like its really playable just a hard stop at 30 seems so strange, before anyone says its not capped at 30
Maybe but, I don't think it did it with RDR2 - will recheck, I'm also using Parsec

It's just really interesting, I've come along way from using Proxmox in the last month

Interested if people have had similar results

Let me test more games later and come back on this thread - One thing i have notice is some all games wont work at all
So for anyone that is interested,

After some more testing I think it's a CPU thing. Not really sure why but Cyberpunk can't utilize all of the power of a i9-9900k when running in a VM

So far the best I've got is a stable 50fps at 2k now but had to change the cores to 10 from 8

RDR2 runs at a solid 60fps at 2k could go higher but I've capped it

Forza is a steady 60fps

Manged to get starfield to 55fps but recon with the new drivers easily get to 60.

Anyone have any suggestions for Cyberpunk
Been awhile since I posted back in this.

So I find out the issues with the FPS issues.

For anyone that is interested, my solution was for the windows VM was these settings in the processor config. I now an amazing experience gaming with an i9 10900k and a 4060ti

6 cores with NUMA enable

Only caveat I've seen is you need to make sure that you don't overload uses on other VM and containers. I have plenty of extra cores but I did change my some of my other VMs core count to make sure I didn't overload the server