Intel SSD Firmware Upgrade "Status : Firmware update failed"


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018

We are running Proxmox 6.3-x and trying to upgrade the firmware on our Intel SSDs.
We have installed the latest version of Intel MAS and can see the firmware updates are available but there appears to be something locking the disk that prevents the upgrade.

[root@proxmox1]:~# intelmas version
- Version Information -
Name: Intel(R) Memory and Storage Tool
Version: 1.6.122
Description: Interact and configure Intel SSDs.

[root@tat-proxmox1]:~# intelmas show -d index,modelnumber,serialnumber,firmware,firmwareupdateavailable -intelssd

- 0 Intel SSD DC S4610 Series PHYG8510017Q1P9DGN -

Firmware : XCV10120
FirmwareUpdateAvailable : XCV10132
Index : 0
ModelNumber : INTEL SSDSC2KG019T8
SerialNumber : OMITTED

- 1 Intel SSD DC S4610 Series PHYG8290008J1P9DGN -

[root@proxmox1]:~# intelmas load -intelssd 0
WARNING! You have selected to update the drives firmware!
Proceed with the update? (Y|N): y
Checking for firmware update...

- Intel SSD DC S4610 Series OMITTED -

Status : Firmware update failed.

As we are running CEPH I have tried to stop the OSD deamon, smartmontools, and smartd but still no sucess.

systemctl stop
systemctl stop smartmontools.service
systemctl stop smartd.service

Has anyone come across this trying to install Intel firmware in Proxmox? I have some alternatives such as shutting down the server and installing the disks seperate PC but was hoping to avoid it.

Thank you.
This is a very late reply, but our Proxmox VE machine gets the same problem today morning -- I have to upgrade the SSD firmware for all my disks otherwise all SSDs installed would be broken and even sophisticated RAIDz setup could not help.

Our server is DELL, and the solution is to set all affected disks from "Non-RAID" to "RAID-Capable" in BIOS, and reboot to recovery to use sst (the successor of intelmas) to upgrade firmware, and then restart to BIOS to change back the settings.
Doesn't the update run directly via the LCC? At least I never had to import official firmware from Dell other than via the LCC.
Doesn't the update run directly via the LCC? At least I never had to import official firmware from Dell other than via the LCC.
I'm not quite familiar with Dell's LCC but I guess I would give it a try next time. This time I tried to get firmware patch binary from DELL's website but it does not work under Debian (PVE).