I recently upgraded the HDDs on my Proxmox server and I needed to install Plex again so I followed my recipe above and it did not work. I had to do a couple of additional steps so here is my revised method:
1. Restart your machine and enter BIOS. Enable intel integrated graphics and disable IOMMU. Save settings and exit BIOS (usually F10 key).
2. In ProxMox open a PVE shell and run "ls -l /dev/dri" at the command prompt. You should see something similar to this:
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Nov 15 18:23 by-path
crw-rw---- 1 root video 226, 0 Nov 15 18:23 card0
crw-rw---- 1 root render 226, 128 Nov 15 18:23 renderD128
If you get "No such file or directory" or similar, Intel graphics is not enabled correctly.
3. Create a (privileged) container (right click pve and select Create CT). Use Ubuntu 20.04 standard as template. I used 8GB disk size and 2GB memory (can be changed later). Select DHCP (ipv4) in the network tab. Start the container and stop it again. Don't install plex yet.
4. Open a pve shell and edit the container config file "/etc/pve/lxc/100.conf" (replace 100 with the ID of your container). Add these lines to the bottom of the file:
lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 226:0 rwm
lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 226:128 rwm
lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 29:0 rwm
lxc.mount.entry: /dev/dri dev/dri none bind,optional,create=dir
lxc.mount.entry: /dev/dri/renderD128 dev/renderD128 none bind,optional,create=file
change 226 and 128 if needed so the numbers are the same as in the output of the "ls" command in 2.
5. Start the container and open a shell in it. Run "ls -l /dev/dri" and you should get a similar result as in 2. Stay in the shell for the next steps. Again, if you get "No such file or directory" or similar then something went wrong.
5.5 Install the Intel drivers:
5.6 Change the group and mode of /dev/dri:
/bin/chgrp video /dev/dri
/bin/chmod 755 /dev/dri
/bin/chmod 660 /dev/dri/*
6. Add the plex repositories as described under "DEB-based distros (Ubuntu, etc.)" here:
Install plex using this command "apt-get install plexmediaserver"
Verify that plex was added to the group of the graphics (in my case video and syslog):
cat /etc/group | grep plex
You are done!