Intel NUC7i7DNHE Proxmox VE 6


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2019
I would appreciate some help with a Proxmox VE 6.1 install on an Intel NUC7i7DHNE.
What would be the best setup? I would prefer to try out Raidz 1, but I don't know if that is possible.
The NUC has a 1 TB NVME M.2 drive as well as a SATA SSD 2.5"

Any input would be helpful.
Thank you so much.
You would need at least 3 disks for a (sensible) raidz1 setup

You could consider using a mirror RAID1 config - but this would limit the speed to the slower device

Apart from that - just install PVE an give it a quick spin - you can always take a backup to an external disk, resetup and restore the backups should you want to change something :)

I hope this helps!